Saturday, March 19, 2011

Angkor Wat... again!

On our second day, we biked about 40km through Angkor Wat and Siem Reap. I'm tempted to say it was my favorite day in Southeast Asia so far!

We rented bikes from our guesthouse for the day.

We took a wrong turn on our way to Angkor Wat, and ended up riding through a very 'Cambodian' village... I love happy accidents!

I don't want to brag, but I'd say I'm pretty good at taking photos while bike riding with one hand...

Being a local (kind of). You know how the old saying goes, "when at a Buddhist temple..." oh wait. That's not right...

Erin and KJ, enjoying the view of Angkor Wat.

Talk about an awesome place for a wedding!

Walking up to this sort of "off the beaten path" temple, I couldn't help but think my life might turn into a horror movie.

Erin, making a new friend. She traded this woman her watch for this... umm... beautiful scarf.

We stopped to hang out with some monkeys on the side of the road.

How can baby monkeys be SO cute and SO ugly at the same time??

Inside one of the temples... there was doorway after doorway and they got smaller and smaller as they got further in. I was too cheap to hire a guide to explain why it was built like this, but I thought it was pretty cool just the same.

I realized all of my pictures were starting to look the same so I played around with my camera to spice things up a bit...

With our bikes, we almost looked exactly like the locals. Almost.

I'm still amazed by the intricacy in the carvings!

I don't think I could ever get tired of how beautiful this place is!

After two days in Siem Reap, we headed to Phnom Penh for an education on the Cambodian Genocide. Pictures of that in the next post!

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